
Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Just Abominable!

Happy Friday night!

I've been spreading myself very thin this week so I'm surprised I finished this guy on time. He's a little out of proportion, too long of a torso, head is a little off, and he's not nearly furry enough, but I still kind of like him. I don't know, there's just something about him that gives off charm.

Behold the mighty tin foil star.

So be careful when you're out there walking around in the chilly fall weather, you never know what you'll come across!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Memories Winner

Before I announce the winner I want to preface this by saying that there was some confusion on the entries. Each person was to submit a total of three comments, one comment per approved entry (such as following my blog, liking me on facebook, or telling me which scrap book kit they liked the best). So I compiled an excel sheet with every one's name and the entries they were valid for, even if they didn't leave individual comments. All in all there were 14, some people were in there three times and some just once! (I put them in the excel sheet in the order they were added on the post).

So, thanks to the random number generator of we have a winner!

Congratulations Nicole! I will be emailing you shortly!

I will have a new project to post next weekend. Until then make sure and check out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hey everyone there's only a few days left to enter in the My Memories Suite giveaway! Check out the original blog post here:

All you have to do is leave a comment saying you follow me or like me on facebook or which kit you like the best!

There's only half a dozen entries so far so make sure and get in there before the drawing this Saturday! I've postponed the draw time until Saturday night because I'm heading to Disneyland that morning!

On another note I've been making regular updates to my new blog: Mostly Nerdy Narrative. There you will find quick reviews on things like the most recent Futurama, True Blood, and even a few books/movies! I'm aiming to post the first chapter of my new "book" in the first week of October so keep an eye out!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Woolly Walk Along Participation!

 "The time has come", the Walrus said...

So remember a few months ago when I kept posting stuff about Mr. Squid? Well big news! Squidy had finally been put in place as my small addition to the huge Woolly Walk Along project run by Knitty Graffity!

*UPDATE* Here's the link for the news article:
A short article and video here:

Everyone in these pictures volunteered to help put approximately 250+ feet of donated knitting and crochet along a piece of railing near the Rugby World Cup. I've never been to Auckland, New Zealand, but I would have loved to go there for this!

There was also a news article written about the time and effort that it took to create such a collaborative work. Once the link has been sent to me I'll get it up on here.

Look at the glory that is Mr. Squid. Thank you Knitty Graffity, volunteers, and crafters for all your hard work! It's just so amazing!

I'll be updating this post with more information when I have it. Until then you can check out Knitty Graffity on facebook for more pictures! She'll be posting more on her blog soon, but she needed to get some sleep after all the excitement yesterday!

(Pictures provided by Knitty Graffity. Please email me if you are in one of these pictures and would rather not be seen on this site. Thank you!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mostly Nerdy Narrative

Introducing Mostly Nerdy Crochet's sister site: Mostly Nerdy Narrative!

Mostly Nerdy Narrative will focus on reviewing various nerdy undertakings (books, TV shows, movies, etc) and as a method of sharing a new in process book. I've been writing for a couple years now (nothing too serious and only two previously completed books--both unpublished naturally) and I've enjoyed sharing my stories with friends and family. Now I'm taking a new step and want to experiment with posting a book, chapter by chapter, for the online world. There is no guarantee I'll be published, so this may be my only chance to tell a tale!

In addition to my new blog I have a new email address that will serve as the means of communication for both MNCrochet and MNNarrative.

Don't worry if you send something to, I have it set to forward all emails to the new address.

MNNarrative is a little bare at the moment, but will soon fill with my rants. I hope you will take a peak and give it a chance. If you like Urban Fantasy you might just like Mostly Nerdy Narrative!


Now before you check out make sure you enter the My Memories Suite giveaway!
Follow the link and read the directions at the bottom of the post!
All you have to do is leave a comment or two and you'll be entered to win!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Memories Suite Giveaway!

Today I am super excited to host my first giveaway!

One lucky reader will have the chance to win a copy of My Memories Suite 2 (a $40 value) for free!

"My Memories Suite Version 2.0 digital scrapbooking software is a fun and creative way to keep and share memories, whether you have a Mac or PC. The software's design tools will help you to build entire albums effortlessly using one of the many installed templates, or designing your very own pages from scratch."

My Memories Suite also comes with a code for $10 towards their kits and extras online! Information on how to enter below... way below. Muwahahaa.

However, since only one person can win I also have a little gift for everyone! Use the code STMMMS96755
 at to receive $10 off when you purchase My Memories Suite!


I was asked the test and review the program and since I've never done any scrap booking before I was the perfect beginner candidate for a digital scrap booking program! (I could never convince myself to pay for the start up costs for traditional and honestly, I dreaded the mess I knew I would make--you should see me near the end of an amigurumi.)

Below I have posted the first five digital scrap booking experiments I have ever done using My Memories Suite.

Alright, easing into it. I started with one of the basic templates and just added a few touches.

That's a little better! I went with another template, but played around with more options.

Whoa, there that's enough. I went all out and built this one from the ground up, and up...and up. Guess I like them busy.

Alright so after pillaging through pictures of us I needed a change, and what is my go-to source?

Um, may I say "duh?"

I'm actually really glad I stopped using our vacation pictures, because these really helped me determine the ups and downs of the program, especially it's limited selection for male oriented embelishments and themes.

My Memories Suite Review:
The basic program is rather limited in options, most of which are very girly. However, on the plus side there is always room for expansion by purchasing the designer packs and kits that contain several different pages/embellishments online. The perfect solution when you’re bored with just the base software. The web site also has a great selection of free downloads as well as a dollar section for more extras. Their kits are well varied and contain lots of new items for an average of $5 each (as low as $1, as high as $10). When you buy the program you receive a $10 coupon code to use on the site. I bought an Alice in Wonderland themed kit, and an autumn kit.
In the end the program itself is very user friendly (reminded me a little bit of using old photoshop 7) and has a fun assortment of basic options to wet your appetite. The real fun comes from buying the various options online. I think if you are interested in digital scrap booking that this is an excellent program to use, it is simple, but can be used for more complex results. However, this program is also an investment: $40 initial cost (Only $30 with the code STMMMS96755) plus the additional online kits. That being said, you also don’t have to constantly replenish your supplies, once you buy their online options they are yours to use as long as you have the program (no running out of the right color or having to run out to get that perfect button).
Cost: It’s there, but you’ll probably spend less in the long run going digital than constantly buying scrapbook supplies at overpriced craft stores.
Ease of Use: Pretty darn good. Not only is the program very direct, but if you want something new you can buy it right from the computer. It’s easy enough to change items around after they’ve been placed, and clean up is as simple as shutting everything down.
Time: Oh boy, be careful here! This program will suck you in. The different options are numbing online, and the ability to quickly place photos and create albums is addicting. I sat down to just “test” a few things and ended up still playing three hours later.
Main Complaint: Basic program is a little too basic! The templates and embellishments become very tiresome after only a few experiments. Download times for the software and the extras are slower than expected (we have FiOS with excellent download speeds). I’m also concerned that if someone were going to use this program without a background in another art program that they may experience some frustration learning all the different bells and whistles. Having previously used Photoshop I found it quite comfortable.
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars. Definitely would recommend to a friend with the small stipulation to be prepared to spend more than the initial cost. However, with the $10 off code (STMMMS96755) , and the $10 towards expanding that comes with the purchase, start up costs are not too bad!


OK now what you've all been waiting for!


Everyone may enter up to three times, please comment separately for each entry. Please leave your email address with each entry.

1. Follow my blog and say so in the comments below!
2. Go to and tell me which kit you like the best in the comments below!
3. Either like Mostly Nerdy Crochet or My Memories Suite on Facebook and say so in the comments below! (You may of course like us both, but you only get one entry for it!)

Winner will be chosen (by random number generator) September 18th.
The winner will have until 3pm September 20th to respond. If they do not respond I will draw a new winner.

Remember if you don't win you can still use the code STMMMS96755 for $10 off on My Memories Suite when purchased from!

Good luck!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Fizzgig with pattern!

Well after taking a trip down memory lane with The Labyrinth I, of course, had to watch The Dark Crystal too.

So naturally with my movie all set up my fingers were itching for another crochet project. Turned out that the project was a little more involved, but still quite fun. (By fun I mean I was about to pull my hair out getting all of his to look right).

Fizzgig is by far one of the most adorable creatures that Jim Henson created. I mean, part dog, giant mouth, cute temperament, and what amounts to a large ball of fuzz? If I could adopt one I would... but since I can't I made one instead.

Anyway who cares about me blabbing on (I mean really, do you seriously follow this blog because of my creative writing skills?) I demand PICTURES!

Fizzgig Untested Pattern
(Make these stitches looser than you would normally)
Magic circle with 6 sc in the center
Increase to 12
Inc ever other stitch for three rows
Increase every 3rd stitch for 1 row
Sc 10, inc, sc 10, inc, for 2 rows
Ch 25, attach back to the base about half way across with a sc (follow the slack around the circle, this will be the opening for his mouth)
5 = rows
Sc 10, decrease, sc 10, dec for 3 rows
Sc 5, dec, sc 5, dec for 2 rows
Dec  every 3rd stitch for 2 rows
Dec until closed.

In red; crochet a basic flat oval with an 8 ch base (more accurate patterns easily found online than what I would be able to describe). Increase in size until it more or less matches the size of the mouth opening. Attach to the mouth opening, but don’t forget to stuff before you close! Only put polyfill in the top and bottom sections, do not fill completely as this will prevent his mouth from closing.

Little feet – Optional (usually you just see him as a giant fluff ball)
Ch 40, link ch 40 to ch 1
Ch 4 and link directly across (create a narrow oval with line through it)
Working on half the oval at a time: 1=row*
Using same “ch 4 and attach” separate the half into three sections
Sc around the new thirds and decrease each row until you have a point. Fasten off or slip stitch back to the next opening. Repeat for all three toes.
Repeat from * for the second foot. (they will be very close together, feel free to make each foot individually by skipping the initial large oval).
Attach to the bottom of his body so his toes peak out.

Detail time!
Sc 1 row of dark brown around his mouth. Cut out off white felt in a tooth pattern and sew to the top and bottom of his mouth. Also cut a tiny tooth set for the back of his mouth and sew on. Using black felt cut out his “throat” but remember the little red dangly guy!
Follow the same general procedure for his eyes and nose. As for his fluffiness  you will be looping dozens of 2”-3” chunks of yarn through the loose stitches all over his body. Make sure you’ve attached his eyes and nose before you fluff up his face. I had a 4ply yarn that I separated each strand apart to give him extra oomph. Kind of looks like he got a perm, but at least he’s properly fluffed!

(Pictures to help you understand what the heck I'm talking about)

 (For the feet)

 (For the fuzz)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Planet Express

     Alright guys! We are entering a lovely long weekend here and I couldn't be happier! To celebrate I have a little thing to post today, and two fantastic posts ready for tomorrow and Sunday!

     As for today just something to make you smile. I know, I know, more embroidery? Isn't this blog all about crochet? Well, no, to be super egotistical, this blog is all about me! Nerdy ol' me.

     Actually I feel that this embroidery reflects me very well. I'm a little lumpy around the edges, I'm not always aimed in the right direction, and I tend to miss a few things along the way, but dammit, I'll get where I'm going--whether it be rain or shine. Not snow though... and I'd like to avoid the brimstone and fire kind of days... so you know, whether it be mild and agreeable, I'll be there.

Anyway, stay tuned for a more impressive feat of creativity tomorrow.

Enjoy the weekend!