
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hey everyone there's only a few days left to enter in the My Memories Suite giveaway! Check out the original blog post here:

All you have to do is leave a comment saying you follow me or like me on facebook or which kit you like the best!

There's only half a dozen entries so far so make sure and get in there before the drawing this Saturday! I've postponed the draw time until Saturday night because I'm heading to Disneyland that morning!

On another note I've been making regular updates to my new blog: Mostly Nerdy Narrative. There you will find quick reviews on things like the most recent Futurama, True Blood, and even a few books/movies! I'm aiming to post the first chapter of my new "book" in the first week of October so keep an eye out!

1 comment:

  1. I would've entered except that I don't think I'd use the software. It does look super cool though and terrific for someone who will make use of it!
