
Friday, April 8, 2011

Why is it the smaller the item the cuter it gets?

So apparently I have some sort of obsession with making Toothless plushies. This is what, my 4th one? I mean Toothless is amazingly cute and all, but I wonder if I'm taking this too far. Bah, who cares when something is this cute!

You may remember my last plush was quite big. Here the two are side by side. The giant one has an 88 inch wing span and the little one ended up with a 46 inch wing span. So I was pretty darn close when I told people he was half size.

The little Toothless is actually not finished in the comparison picture because I had to mail off my giant one! He is now on his way to a new home. It was a bittersweet moment.

How can you not love a face like that! I was so twitterpated when I finished him that I made a collection of excited and cute squees that had my husband doubling over with laughter.


One final note. I almost hate to say this, but I've had so many requests. Unfortunately I will not be sharing or selling the pattern for my Toothless. Right now selling this little guy is the only way I'm getting any income and if I post the pattern I'm afraid that my unique version will be copied and stolen across the Internet. There are, however, several free patterns available on Deviant Art and I would encourage anyone interested in making their own to start there. Thank you for understanding, and as always thank you for reading!


  1. GAHHH!!!! I want one!!!! I'm gonna have to give you a commission one of these days hun.

  2. How adorable!! Toothless is so sweet.

  3. What a great job your doing. I'm definitely a fan of Toothless also.

  4. are you still making these little cuties to sell? i would love to buy one!

  5. Did you know you can sell the pattern for Toothless on as a PDF file though e-mail. I have seen other patterns for sale like that and have bought them.


  6. You said you are selling them. How much and when?

  7. I want to buy one :)
