
Sunday, April 10, 2011

I can't stay mad at what is essentially me. I love me!

A duo of baby Benders mischievously drinking. Wait, could one be a prepubescent Flexo? You'll never know!

Commissioned by the ever hilarious, we'll call him Max, who waited patiently through my extended vacation, only then to feel the sting of a yarn shortage. Together we trudged through a battlefield of exchanged Futurama quotes and arrived in awe of Bender the Magnificent.

You know, I once tried to write out what Bender was made up of.  Dolomite, iron, titanium, zinc, lead, all at mathematically impossible percents, not to mention a 0.4 nickel impurity. Then I tried to compile all his "bite my----" sayings. You know, "bite my shiny metal ass" "bite my red hot glowing ass" "bite my glorious golden ass" the list went on. Man that was a great Christmas, am I right Chels?

 Anyway I get a kick out of seeing them both together. It kind of makes me feel like I'm creating an army of Benders to take over the world. Man I don't know what I would do without Futurama.

OK readers. I'm taking off for a couple of weeks. We'll see if I have time to post. I've got some grand plans stored away, just you wait and see.


  1. Great work on these! Enjoy your time off ...

  2. hahah that was a great christmas. you know what's crazy? i didn't bring ANY of my futurama dvds with me to the farm. what was i thinking?!

  3. These are so cool! Crochet Rocks and so does Benders!

  4. I would love your pattern! My guy saw this and is insisting that I make him one...

  5. To Becky: I unfortunately don't have a bender pattern! You know how you can play music by ear? Same idea for me, except of course it's crochet!

  6. Too Bad! Cause yours is the best Bender that I have seen! Good Job tho!

  7. You should really make a bunch of these and sell them. I bet you a lot of people would buy them.

  8. Absolutely stunning! Very nice work :)

  9. can I buy one? how much to make and send me a set of 2 for gifts -so cute ,these are great! I have paypal 25,30?

  10. would you be willing to share your pattern?

  11. my boyfriend likes futurama and this bender toy is perfect. Can you post me the pattern to do it?

  12. I know im late to the party, but if you have started selling these or the patterns to these, I would love to buy one for my (difficult to shop for) boyfriend, who just said he wanted one as we were rewatching the episode.

  13. I am also very late. But if you're still monitoring your blog I'd love some advice. Your baby bender is one of the best I've seen. I'm trying to make Bender's son- Ben Rodriguez as a plushie. He looks similar as a baby and I'd love to know what dimensions you used. I do not crochet sadly but just knowing how big your Bender is could help
