Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's times like this that I'm glad I called my blog MOSTLY nerdy crochet.

 OK, OK. I know I've already polluted my blog with a couple other versions of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, but let me explain; he doesn't suck this time!

I do not own Toothless. He is property of Dreamworks, I just designed a new pattern.

Encouraged by the money, er... I mean support of an old friend, I took on a new challenge of sewing a large plush Toothless. I was going to make a new one anyway, but it was much more enticing when someone else requested it. My friend had complete confidence and told me to wing it (haha) since my last sewn dragon looked more like a bat-lizard who desperately needed a diet. Excited to have a new project I bought all my supplies and then started cutting! Ever seen the sign that says "measure twice cut once...meh just start cutting" well, that's me. But look how cute he is!

 Made with cuddly fleece he is a combination of machine and hand sewing. He is 66 inches from nose to tail and has an 88 inch wing span, so he is BIG! He turned out a bit larger than I originally thought (I don't sew a lot so I figured a little extra material on each piece was better than not enough).

I suffered a few needles to the finger, the frustration of ripping out seams, a huge mess of fleece and polyfill bits all over my apartment (I was practically covered), and of course the terrible realization that he is way too cool to part with. I will of course be sending him to his new owner anyway.


  1. He is monstrously awesome! I aspire....

  2. WOW! I LOVED this movie, and I desperately need this!

  3. LOL not sure if i could afford an already made one..... will you sell the pattern, i am not good at drafting yet but i can follow instructions really well.

  4. i found this post on a friend's fb wall and LOVE IT!!! i happened to work on the movie so seeing crafts this well-made is really a thrill. make a nadder next!

  5. To Firefly:

    Oh wow! I actually went to school for film but haven't be able to find a job. Oddly enough this is as close as I get and I am so excited that you like it! I may just have to give the Nadder a try! Thanks!

  6.'s very cute...
    can you share the pattern?

  7. To Tracy:
    HOLY MOLEY! this is soooooo AMAZYING!!! I love it!
    Dreamworks should SO hire you to design toys for them! kids ho mad for disney toys! i have so many stitches (3 alone on my bed.... yes i am sad) but you cant really buy good soft toys for any of the dreamworks charactors!
    After seeing 'How to train your dragen' being a big stitch fan i have become compleatly smitten with toothless! if i could afford it i would deffenatly commisioned you to make me one!

    God Bless Heidi x

  8. Wow! Do you think i could have the pattern you used so i could make one? :3 I'd credit you.

  9. Thanks everyone for your interest in the pattern. Usually I have no problem sharing my patterns but in this case selling the plush is the only way I'm making any money. Please try to understand that as an unemployed crafter I need to hold on to somethings! Sorry :(

  10. I really want one!XD How much???

  11. How much are you selling them for and how would I go about buying one?

  12. OH MY GOSH! He's so great! I wish I had the money to buy one! Either way could you send me an email about price?

  13. Oh wow my nephew would flip for this big of a toothless! Please email me with how much!

  14. This is fantastic!!! Can you email me a son would love this!!!!

  15. I Would LOVE to see a tutorial on this!

  16. Hi Tracey, would you be able to make a smaller one like this? like say one fifth of this size? Please let me know,Thanks..

  17. To any and all! I'm unable to take commissions anymore but I do plan to write up a tutorial with lovely WIP shots. It might take me a little while but I'm going to do it!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi there
    Please can you email me the cost of this I just adore him!

  20. I would like to buy one to my son. How much is it? can you tell me how many time take you one? because of his birthday is on these days and I´d like to present him one.

  21. i am echoing others, but i would also like to know if you are actively selling these--i think it's awesome, and WAY better than anything commercially available. i would love to get one for my obsessed almost 3-year old. this is just great!

  22. never mind--i just saw that you don't make them on commission anymore, which makes me so sad! i guess i will see if i can handle making one myself--thanks for publishing the pattern and the tutorial! again--he's FANTASTIC!

  23. Hi there
    Please can you email me the cost of this I just adore him!!!
    thanks a mill
