
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

UPDATE: Check out the new and improved Mr. Stay Puft here:

"I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft."

OK, so he's not exactly like Mr. Stay Puft. True that I left off his legs, but he makes such a great desk buddy this way! He's only about six inches tall, but if I were to make him again I'd go much bigger. He needs to be the size of my baby bender to really get the right feel. Then he needs to storm through a lego city, you know, for old times sake.

So yes, his hat is a little too big and his head needs to be made separately to give that chiseled marshmallow chin, but overall for a small two day project he's not bad. (I ran out of yarn for the order I'm working on so I threw this guy together instead.)

In other news I finally have a new car! My other was totaled a few weeks back so I've been stuck relying on my husband to take me everywhere. Not that I mind being chauffeured around, but he complains when I want to go shopping for my craft supplies. After today I'll be fully stocked and ready to put some serious work into the orders I've received. I really think things are falling back into place.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monty the Monster

Why hello! It's been a while since I've been able to post something new. I chose to do a "quick" project since I have a long list of orders to fill. Just FYI I won't be taking any new orders until I've completed the ones I've already taken. Sorry!

Now on to Monty! This little cuddly monster loves hiding in the back of makeup drawers and stealing prize possessions such as eye liner, chap stick, and his personal favorite: mascara. Although shy and misunderstood Monty is quite friendly once you get to know him especially if you feed him organic lip balms (honey based ones always disappear quickly).

Aww, so cute!

He may appear menacing at first, but his looks are deceiving. He loves to be cuddled in the palm of your hand and snuggled nightly before retiring to his hidden domain surrounded by the collection of his favorite discarded cosmetics.

He wants a kiss!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan in need

I'm sure by now everyone has seen reports about the 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan not too far from Sendai. I know people who live in Japan, I've even spent time in Sendai. The families that I know there... friends that are there for work... are they OK? And that's nothing compared to the people I don't know. There have been so many lives suddenly disrupted and I want to find a way to help. I wish I could offer my home and let people stay with us. If you know of a way an unemployed girl can help please let me know.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's times like this that I'm glad I called my blog MOSTLY nerdy crochet.

 OK, OK. I know I've already polluted my blog with a couple other versions of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon, but let me explain; he doesn't suck this time!

I do not own Toothless. He is property of Dreamworks, I just designed a new pattern.

Encouraged by the money, er... I mean support of an old friend, I took on a new challenge of sewing a large plush Toothless. I was going to make a new one anyway, but it was much more enticing when someone else requested it. My friend had complete confidence and told me to wing it (haha) since my last sewn dragon looked more like a bat-lizard who desperately needed a diet. Excited to have a new project I bought all my supplies and then started cutting! Ever seen the sign that says "measure twice cut once...meh just start cutting" well, that's me. But look how cute he is!

 Made with cuddly fleece he is a combination of machine and hand sewing. He is 66 inches from nose to tail and has an 88 inch wing span, so he is BIG! He turned out a bit larger than I originally thought (I don't sew a lot so I figured a little extra material on each piece was better than not enough).

I suffered a few needles to the finger, the frustration of ripping out seams, a huge mess of fleece and polyfill bits all over my apartment (I was practically covered), and of course the terrible realization that he is way too cool to part with. I will of course be sending him to his new owner anyway.