
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monty the Monster

Why hello! It's been a while since I've been able to post something new. I chose to do a "quick" project since I have a long list of orders to fill. Just FYI I won't be taking any new orders until I've completed the ones I've already taken. Sorry!

Now on to Monty! This little cuddly monster loves hiding in the back of makeup drawers and stealing prize possessions such as eye liner, chap stick, and his personal favorite: mascara. Although shy and misunderstood Monty is quite friendly once you get to know him especially if you feed him organic lip balms (honey based ones always disappear quickly).

Aww, so cute!

He may appear menacing at first, but his looks are deceiving. He loves to be cuddled in the palm of your hand and snuggled nightly before retiring to his hidden domain surrounded by the collection of his favorite discarded cosmetics.

He wants a kiss!

1 comment:

  1. Your description here totally made me smile. Great work on him!
