
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I'm not dead!

Please don't hate me. I'm working on rewriting, editing, and (hopefully) publishing my first book, so I quite honestly forget this blog exists. That being said I have in no way forgotten about my crafting hobbies. Let me share some of my 2015 adventures!

First, I got a bunny. OMG BUNNY! 

I made this stupid *censored* *censored* queen sized *censored* blanket as my sister's wedding gift.




The loving couple modeling their gift:
 I know it's crazy colors, but if you knew my sister you'd know how well it works for her. 

I'm still doing yoga. Knocked it up a notch and teach under a black light with dubstep.

And just recently I'm undertaking the designing of mandalas for henna work, and learning how to paint with watercolors. Then, you know, that whole book writing thing. Mustn't forget that. 

Stay nerdy!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Could never hate you...I mean, you posted a picture of a bunny!! My niece has bunnies so I know how adorbs they are. Congrats on the blanket...good luck on the book...and the yoga looks amazing. I didn't even know yoga + dubstep was a thing. Yogadub? Dubga?
