
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Adventures in Sewing


Oh, sorry. After two weekends at a Ren Faire I'm even more inclined to yell that all around.

SO. With the help of my beautiful friend I sewed my FIRST ever dress! Taadaa! The corset was necessary though as I couldn't get the stupid waist to fit right. The shoulders were also a bit tight, and the darts for the chest were terrible. Happily the corset hid almost all of those flaws.

The same beautiful friend made the leather hip bag that I sported on both trips to the fair. It was her birthday gift to me and I'm not going to lie. It kicks ass.

But yay! First time at a Ren Faire! In my youth I had a terrible old woman tell me how I shouldn't go to faires unless I wanted to offend people by not being historically accurate or using the wrong fabrics. As an impressionable 13 year old at the time I took her at her word. It wasn't until my friend bought us tickets and demanded I attend that I gave in. Well, you know what? MOST FUN EVER.

Never have I had so much positive attention in my life! Men were free and honest with their compliments. Women ranged from historical, to stunning, to whimsical, and everyone was there to have fun. We attended on opening weekend and were given free tickets to return again the following week.

Not having a lot of accessories or brilliant costuming I went with some super henna. 

By comparison my friend was royalty.

She MADE her dress. I mean, just, WHAT?

Not expecting to receive tickets to return we rushed about to make me another quick outfit. She had another dress in her closet from previous years ready to go, but I had to scramble a bit. This was the result.

Fairly classic wench.  However, I looked a little mismatched walking next to this gorgeous lady.

Yeah. She made that dress too. 

I made this though!

I realized after the first trip that I needed more storage to carry around a water bottle and snacks. I whipped this up and hung it off my belt for the day. It matched quite nicely! 

The Ren Faire was magical and helped me to feel both confident and beautiful, two of my weakest subjects. However, I'm a little addicted now and want to go back. I found a rather perfect image of this on pinterest.

Yup. That's me.