
Monday, February 3, 2014

Hexagon WIP 3

Muwahaha. My hexagon blanket is nearing completion. Sort of. Almost.

It's really a beautiful blanket... if you slightly cross your eyes and let the image blur. Mmm, so pretty.

Actually it's a bit smaller than my calculations predicted. I'm going to even out the sides and make it a perfect square and then add granny squares that were made by my great grandmother before I was born. At least I think they're from before I was born. It definitely sounds better saying it that way rather than "that she made anywhere from 20-100 years ago." In any case it will be a cute way to add some family history to my project. She was the original crochet queen of the family and her talents skipped a couple generations and landed on me. 

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. That's such a neat idea to add granny squares from your grandma! I just received a box of hexagon quilt blocks my great grandma started making and I'm terrified to do anything with them for fear of messing them up!
