
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Little Gifts

2014. Soooooon.

Early in October I whipped up about a dozen of these to give out to my friends and family. 
You've probably seen an assortment of these little hand warmers on Pinterest, they are filled with rice and were well received. (Seriously, they are far too cute.)

My ideas may not be original, but the amount of laughter these bearded hats caused was totally worth it. Seriously, I wish I had a picture of my mom sporting the look. Luckily my dad and soon to be brother-in-law appreciated their gifts with gusto. 

Happy New Year everyone! I plan to spend more time with myself this year (a strange proclamation, and not to be taken with a creepy vibe) to recuperate and heal emotionally. Not that I'm dead inside or anything, but I gave so much of myself to 2013 that 2014 will be a little more selfish... and hopefully a little more productive for my crafts and hobbies! How about you?

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