
Sunday, November 18, 2012


Can you guess what I've been watching lately?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Long Awaited Return

The dust has settled. Finally, after several long months, I'm starting to feel my way back into crochet. Remember how I said all my yarn went into storage? Well thanks to a couple of wonderful garage sales I've been able to revive my favorite hobby. Nothing substantial, as I am still technically homeless, but it's a start. Also, you have to check out my Halloween costume, because I'm awesome.

Giant canning jar mug cozies. For those times you just need a giant mug of tea.
Look at my pretty little rug made out of old t-shirts. That's right! Old t-shirts from my husband's various uniforms. I'm most proud of this because I didn't have a pattern, and yet, look how pretty!

Oh and I just realized that the one project I'm super proud of I can't share because it's a Christmas gift to a friend of mine who loves my blog. Sigh. But I can still share my costume!