
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mr. Squid is done!

Here he is! Reigning in at approximately 4.5 feet long (or 140 cm) and 16.5 inches tall (42 cm) Mr. Squid (or Squidy as his friends call him) is complete! He did mention that he would rather no one ask him about his missing tentacle. Apparently there was an accident when he was a child...he doesn't like to talk about it.

Regardless of his past tragedies Squidy is happy to be participating in Knitty Graffity's woolly walk along! ( See, here he is smiling in anticipation.

Alas the day is late and he must prepare for his upcoming journey.
As for me, I need to make him a name tag.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer? Bikini time!

Mostly crochet without the nerdy. Well, OK that's a lie. It's nerdy simply because I'm in the picture.

Yeah, so I had no idea what I was doing, but besides everything turning out a little big I think it mostly worked...kind of..

I tried to put cute little pleats in the top, but well...riiight. Also, I now know why swimsuits are typically made from stretchy stuff because my butt totally doesn't stay put when I'm walking around, let alone swimming.

Well, regardless of my non-existent clothing skills I still rather like it. Want to know why? It was free, 100% no cost to me. The yarn was a gift from the thrift shop for my hours of "hard" work, and that was really all I needed. It took about two and a half skeins and a few hours of free time.

All in all a good adventure. Oh and one last thing. I don't need to remind you that it's Sunday, I went from my pajamas to the bikini and back again, so don't make fun of my hair.

Oops, and happy father's day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mario Frames

Mostly nerdy minus the crochet.

 These are the same sizes as the Pacman frames, though you can't tell from the close up pictures. Don't worry though, I'm still working on a few crochet projects, but these were fun, nerdy, and fast so what the hell.

My husband wants the Dungeon frame and I haven't decided if I'm going to sell or give a way the others. Oh well, for now let's just enjoy the pretty pictures.

 See, wasn't that fun?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Feeling Inspired

Hello Manic Monday. Thank you for giving me the chance to, yet again, push aside all the other projects I SHOULD be working on and instead create these.

At least they are freaking awesome.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Ever have one of those weekends where you work on everything and yet finish nothing? That's been my weekend so far. Still, I can't complain. Especially after seeing X-Men: First Class. Totally made my weekend, I highly recommend seeing it if you've ever enjoyed a super hero movie at all.

Anyway back to business. Here's some of my projects:

Above we have some wonderfully fresh rosemary that I harvested while my in-laws were visiting last weekend. So far I've used it to make some rosemary lemon chicken and roasted red potatoes.

Below are some of the lemons that I acquired on the same trip. This is only about a third of what we came back with. Some are oranges, and some are just orange lemons. I don't know what that's all about, but it was very exciting to bite into one and then realize which was which. Anyway we've enjoyed some very fresh lemonade, lemon bars, and anything else that we can put lemon into. These have all been zested and the rest have been juiced. All of that is packed up in the freezer and now waiting to be transported back home for my mother to use (she really loves those lemon bars!)

Ah another toothless. Actually, I worked on two toothless plushies this weekend. One crochet and one Sewn. But seriously, you've all seen enough of those.

Here we have my big project of the weekend. I've decided that I'm probably going to be too cheap to buy a real bikini (something that I've never worn in my life) so why not make one? It's not exactly perfect, but it keeps me in place (which is super important) and it was a lot more fun that spending $100+ on a stupid water friendly bra. I may not turn heads at the beach, but how many people out there can say they MADE their swimsuit? Oh and did I mention that I got all the yarn for free?

My favorite part is the little ruffles around the bottom. Anyway, yes, it's not amazing (though I think it is since I didn't follow a pattern.) it's a little chunky, the cups size is a tad off, and my husband of course complained that it doesn't show enough skin (ahem I DO have a one piece I can always break out, cheeky bastard). However, in accordance to the weekend I didn't really finish the whole ensemble. Notice there's only a top here? That would be because the bottom is pretty much just a band around my hips at the moment. I'll show off everything once I'm done. I just really hope the bottoms turn out OK. Sometimes I think it looks super cute, other times...well.. I guess we'll just wait and see.

And so this completes my weekend.