
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Work in Progress Part Two

Mr. Squid with the accompanying cover that will eventually attach to a railing.The cover is a combination of double crochet and triple crochet in alternating rows for a nice textured look so it stands out just a tad from the single crochet amigurumi style squid. The squid will be fully attached (so no one can rip him off the railing) and will eventually have two longer tentacles that wrap around.

Hahaha look! There's a Star Wars poster in the background. What a nerd! Oh wait.

Here's another toothless that I completed on commission this week. It's not like you haven't already seen about ten of these already.

Monday, May 23, 2011


So I was contacted last week by Knitty Graffity who asked if I would like to participate in her Woolly-Walk-Along all the way down in New Zealand! Well she described a little more of the event, which I don't go into detail about in case she plans to make a big reveal at the end, but I decided to join! I've never done a public work of yarn, but it sounded like such a neat challenge! Plus we just had a donation of a bunch of pink yarn. When I say a bunch, I mean around 10 skeins, so naturally I snatched it up and got to work.

We'll be decorating a railing, and here is my work in progress so far! (To see other works in progress for the same event check out )

I will post more pictures when it's complete!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I feel like I've been here before

Well after a week of working hard and really getting down to business I have two things to show for it. Both are commissioned items, and I'll be touching on that idea later. First let me show what I've accomplished.

Nothing new, but still some of my favorite stuff. The toothless is a half size, super cute and extra lovable. The Zoidberg is actually a little too fat. It's like he actually had a meal for once haha. I hope the two individuals who ordered them will like them.

OK so I do have a few things to touch on. First is I'm putting a temporary HALT to any new commissions. I haven't had a chance to do anything for myself in weeks since I've been swamped with orders. Well, maybe not swamped, but enough that between my volunteering and helping a friend part time with some work that I just haven't had time to make stuff for me. I have a list of crazy nerdy items that I want to try out, and my blog is in desperate need of some honest updates. Mostly Nerdy Crochet is slowly turning into Mostly Repetitive Crochet! That's no fun at all!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

One step at a time!

My apologies for all the design changes on my blog lately. Hopefully find one I like and keep it.

Happy Mother's Day!

Anyway just a few little things this week. First it was our two year anniversary on Monday (aww) and here's the fantastic Japanese style strawberry shortcake that I made for my husband. (As well as the start to the salad we had so I could feel less guilty about diving into a cake smothered with strawberries and whipped cream!) I was afraid the cake would collapse so I took the picture before the rest of the table was ready then promptly shoved it in the fridge...though I had to remove a shelf so the thing would fit.

I did get a little bit of traditional crafting in. I honor of May the 4th I crocheted a tiny Death Star.

I overstuffed the hell out of it so it makes a great stress ball. One that I've been using, a lot. There's something oddly satisfying about being able to crush the Death Star in the palm of your hand.

I've also been working on some orders. I have half a Toothless done, a Zoidberg that only needs his coat finished, and.. I swear there was something else I've been doing. OH I have two items boxed up and ready to ship.

As for non-crafty related events; tomorrow I'll be having my butt kicked by my personal trainer. I've been seeing this (hardcore) woman for almost a year, however even after all my work I still have 10 pounds to go and they are the most stubborn clingy pounds EVER. Of course that may be because I have the world's largest sweet tooth. I swear I can hear it actually whispering in my ear "just one cookie, you know you'll work it off later...come on, what's a little sugar when your meals have been nothing but greens?"

So after that I'm going to make applesauce bread and an angel food cake for my friend's not-so-secret baby shower. She is seriously the cutest person I know, and we both share a very strange passion for organizing things. At least I think it's weird that I should enjoy that.

I'm still debating whether or not to start writing a few more "books" (do they count as books if they are unpublished?) I'd LOVE to start a writing blog where I post chapters every few days, but I'm worried about having my ideas taken and having someone else make money off of it. Right now I'm waiting for my mother to finish editing one of my books so I can have a clear idea on whether or not to send it off to agents (you're the best mom!)

Other than all of that I'm still just trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Though from talking to friends it seems that this is a common predicament for someone my age. Anyone else feel like they are living through Avenue Q?